




We award scholarships to exceptional university graduates, with the aim of helping them finance doctoral studies in the areas of Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering and Petroleum Engineering, at a university outside their country of origin.

Eligibility requirements
  • Roberto Rocca Fellowships are open to students who are citizens of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Mexico and Romania, and who will enter a Ph.D. program outside their own country or who have already begun their studies towards a Ph.D. at a university outside their own country. Application of citizens of these countries, living in other of these countries may be accepted too.
  • Employees of the sponsoring companies are ineligible for the Fellowships.
  • Fellowship candidates are free to designate any university outside their own country for the Fellowship. However, the program's Scientific Committee will take into consideration the candidate's choice of university and program of study in evaluating and selecting Fellows.


Disciplines and specific fields of study supported through the Fellowships include:


 Metallurgy Engineering

  • Carbon and stainless steels
  • Corrosion resistant alloy


Materials Engineering

  • Surface engineering
  • Nanotechnology Mems applied to sensors for O&G
  • Heat transfer
  • Plastic deformation processes
  • Composite materials
  • Non-destructive tests Mechanical Engineering
  • Iron and steel making


Mechanical Engineering

  • Industrial and electronic automation
  • Mechanical design (for example, threads), including machining
  • Automotive design
  • Modeling


Energy Transition / Decarbonization

  • Carbon Capture Usage and Storage
  • New technologies on renewable electricity
  • Biomas production and use


Hydrogen production, use, transportation and storage


Data Science

  • Automation, Internet of things. Big data and business analytics.
  • Laser optics
  • High level IT


Petroleum Engineering-limited to the aspects of drilling, completion and non-conventional O&G production (excluding geology and geophysics issues)

  • Fluid flows analysis
  • Pipeline technology
  • Well completion and control
  • Reservoir simulation
  • Enhanced oil recovery processes
  • Well logging
  • Non-conventional oil production
  • Secondary recovery
  • String design
  • Extreme service conditions (HT/HP)



  • Circular economy, material efficiency, waste treatments and reuse
  • Low carbon raw material production and use in the steel process
  • Water technologies for efficient treatment and use


Award criteria

In selecting Ph.D. Fellows the Scientific Committee evaluates candidates in accordance with the following criteria:

  • Previous professional and academic experience. We look for candidates with a record of excelling in all their previous professional and academic endeavors.
  • Designated university and department for Ph.D. studies. Although candidates are free to designate the university and department for their studies, we look for candidates who are studying or will study at universities that are distinguished for the quality of their education and research.
  • Capacity to successfully carry out the proposed Ph.D. project. A Ph.D. is a major intellectual and personal challenge. We look for candidates that demonstrate that they are up to that challenge.
  • Proposed area of Ph.D. research. We are especially interested in candidates whose research offer potential benefits to the steel industry (see the list of disciplines and focus areas under Eligibility requirements for more details).
  • Commitment to the economic and industrial development of home country. While candidates are not obligated to return to their home country upon completion of their Ph.D., we carefully analyze each candidate's career plans to assess the contribution they could make to their home country.


For more information, CONTACT US


Otros Programas

We promote academic excellence and equal opportunities in our schools.

Technical Gene

We strengthen the knowledge and skills of the 4.0 industry in technical schools.


We promote the development of STEM and social-emotional skills in students from 6 to 15 years old.


We support young people at secondary, university and doctoral levels for their excellence and academic commitment.


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