Roberto Rocca Technical Gene
First industrial internships and six modernized laboratories in Brazil
Fifteen students from the Mechanics course held at the Itaguaí campus of the Federal Technology Center in Rio de Janeiro (Centro Federal de Tecnologia - CEFET), did their first internships at the Ternium plant in Santa Cruz. In addition, the company inaugurated a series of workshops to give students the opportunity to access better theoretical and practical training.

As part of the Roberto Rocca Technical Gene Program, in the second semester of 2023, fifteen students (7 men and 8 women) from the CEFET-Uned Itaguaí Mechanics course had their first exposure to the workforce through internships at the Blast Furnace, Steelworks and Coking Plant at the Ternium mill in Santa Cruz, Brazil.
During their time there, the students completed a total of two hundred hours of industrial practice, under the watchful eye of tutors from the company. At the end of their internships, they had the opportunity to present the projects they had developed during this period. These included a maintenance control system in the Coking Plant, motor vibrators for fines silos, a false bar manipulator in continuous casting, improvements in safety and signaling, and a steel cable guide, for example.

Isabella Araujo, a CEFET student said that
This was really useful as I was able to put into practice some of the things I’d learned at CEFET, in addition to learning about daily life at the plant."

In 2024, five of the young people joined Ternium through the Young Apprentices program, which lasts two years.

Six labs revamped at the CEFET Itaguaí campus
In early May, Ternium delivered six state-of-the art laboratories to the CEFET Itaguaí campus to help with teaching students Mechanics. The renovation work began in 2019, carried out as part of a collaboration agreement between the company and the institution through the Roberto Rocca Technical Gene program.
The Metallography, Microscopy, Electronics and Maker laboratories were revamped while two completely new labs were built for Pneumatics and Extension. These spaces will also benefit students taking university undergraduate courses as well as those carrying out extension activities.
The opening ceremony was attended by the president of Ternium Brazil, Titus Schaar; the director of Institutional and Community Relations, Fernanda Candeias; the director general of the CEFET/RJ, Maurício Motta, and the director of the Itaguaí campus, Daduí Guerrieri.
“Much of what we do in life is first learned in school. Three factors are crucial for effective learning: availability of resources, trained teachers, and motivated students. We see all of this here. Investing in education means investing in the future, and that's why we will continue working together. Educating is about opening doors,” stated Titus, who also singled out the caliber of the institution's teaching staff.
For Stella Lopes, a student and scholarship recipient of the Roberto Rocca educational program,
Each of these laboratories is really important as we can learn to apply theoretical methods in practice and become familiar with the equipment. We’re learning skills that will shape our future careers. The Pneumatics Laboratory is a fine example, it’s outstanding!"

The director of the CEFET Itaguaí campus, Daduí Guerrieri, stated that, “the voluntary support provided to schools in the region by Ternium underscores its commitment to education. Modernizing school infrastructure has a direct impact on the satisfaction of the school community, and students feel more vested in their education. Over the years, we have seen that investments like these make all the difference.”
Director general Maurício Motta shared his view of the challenges he faces in the pilot’s seat. “In addition to being a teacher, I was once a student enrolled in a technical course when CEFET was already a reputable institution. I can confidently say that what we offer today is even better. As the world evolves, so do our needs. Institutions face the challenge of securing public funding while still providing quality education. The Technical Gene program represents a comprehensive set of actions that truly help us to achieve this goal.”